How we're actually going to build a bomb shelter
Although our team are already from engineering, construction & development backgrounds, you'll be delighted to know that we've contracted the very best in the business to oversee a project of this magnitude. Commercials Funding for The Bunker will be generated through; 1) VAT - Half of the 1% transaction tax goes to the operational fund 2) Lottery / Loot Box Games - Paid in ETH and collecting us 10% fees 3) Animated series and PPVs on DeHub - Includes ad reveue share and sposors 4) Plot Sales - Each bed, room, suite & shop in The Bunker will be sold to citizens 5) UBD - The operational wallet starts with 7.5% of the supply and so 7.5% of all UBD payments as well as 50% of all generated fees. 6) Charitable donations to bombshelterinu.eth
Pipeline Year 1: Governance, planning & fundraising Year 2: Civil engineering & foundation laying Years 3-5: Complete build & turnkey Year 6: Populate with civilians & prepare
Build We've agreed a partnership with the world's leading bomb shelter builder, Rising S Company, based in the USA for the majority of our plans. Due to the scale & time requirements, we've also agreed a partnership with Opiddum, who only cater to luxury contracts, to complete parts of the build. With a dedicated team on sustainability & durability so that we could live in The Bunker for the rest of time, all nuclear, disease & natural disaster protection measures are being engineered into The Bunker. We are setting up to ensure 2) The finest Bunker, offering world leading Doomsday experiences, services & amenities. 2) The safety & security of our citizens with the latest bunker technology. 3) The survival of the human race on planet Earth.
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